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Let's talk about VPNs.

  Phew, that was a lot of reading I did for this one. Let’s begin! Big Brother on PCP. Sometime last year, Google announced that they will release their own VPN with the $9.99 Google One subscription, and I said, hold up, wait a minute, what?! So, I went on their website to see if they were serious, and how much money they were hoping to make from this, er, venture? Their answer to both questions was YES. Now the website consists of mostly meaningless to laughable to misleading remarks and promises, but at the bottom was a little disclaimer that led me to their white paper( pdf ) with lots of tech lingo about nothing particularly special. The disclaimer claimed that minimal logging is done, and I wanted to see what exactly is logged by the VPN, for which I have a few comments: None of the four outlined data points they claim to not log is anything special. I would like to think that most people on the internet do not want someone else to store and use this information on their

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